Last month I said Arden didn't make too many sounds. Over the past couple of weeks she has gotten a lot more vocal. Sometimes at inopportune times. Arden likes to serenade David and I in the middle of the night. Something has happened to Arden's sleep patterns at night and all I can chalk it up to is what some people say is the four month sleep regression. Instead of doing her usual 5-7 hours, Arden wakes up every 3-4 hours and will take forever to fall back asleep. She'll be "singing", doing pilates moves by lifting both legs up and dropping them with a thud on the bed, or shaking her head back and forth trying to get comfortable. It's been tough this past week. I hope this sleep thing is a phase. These bad nights are reminding me of Ava's sleep regression starting at four months until age 2! Arden doesn't have a sleep schedule yet, but she usually sleeps in until about 10-11am with feedings before then. Ava and I have to wait for her to wake up before we can go anywhere. She'll take an afternoon nap too, usually for a couple of hours. She doesn't really sleep in her co-sleeper (kind of too small anyway) and I'm really not sure what I will do when she starts crawling/rolling. At that point, sleeping on our bed will definitely be a hazard. Our bedroom can't fit another crib in it (maybe a mini one) and there is no way I'm putting Arden in Ava's room at this time. I think we need a third bedroom so badly, but tough luck.
Arden is just so sweet, always giving smiles to whoever looks at her. There is always a smile for me when she sees me and she loves it when we shower her face with kisses (we get some good giggles out of her). Arden is really into blowing raspberries, especially when she starts getting upset. All of a sudden we'll hear her mouth sputtering away while in the stroller or in the room.
Weight-17 pounds 2 ounces (95th percentile)
Length-25.5 inches (90th percentile)
One funny thing that happened at the doctor's office was the doctor was doing his usual check up with feeling around her tummy and legs. She was crying during all of this but when he started doing the hip/leg twisting thing, it sounded like she was laughing. Sure enough, I looked at her face and she was giggling and crying at the same time. Love that girl!

Arden is usually pretty happy during tummy time
Just like Ava did, Arden likes her butterfly friend

Always enjoying her fingers. She's pretty scrumptious to me too!

Look at my pretty dress!

Arden loves her bath time. She really needs one everyday, because as you can see, her fat creases allow lots of cheesiness to occur. If milk gets trapped in her neck folds, she smells like stinky cheese. Camembert, anyone?

Arden loves staring at her big sis. Pure adoration

Couldn't get out if she wanted to. Her thighs get stuck in there. For the record, I'm still not sick of making fat jokes about her because I love her fatness!
I'm so glad Ava and Arden adore each other. They are such a cute pair. Sisters are very precious, indeed! Hopefully Arden's sleep patterns will improve. Isn't there a book you can read to help her with that?
Hey Louise, I found your blog off of your FB account info. What a cute fat baby that you have! Congrats on Baby #2! Ava is so big too. check us out:
Loved catching up on the blog Weez!! I seriously can NOT believe little (big) Miss Arden!! Oh my gosh, she is so cute... I just want to squeeze her. Can I please find an excuse to make it up to NYC soon so I can visit you guys and see the girlies ASAP!!! Miss them and miss you guys too!!
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