Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ava turns 1!!!!

Ava turned 1 on September 5. We didn't really celebrate it until two days later, on a Sunday afternoon. I was feeling really guilty about not throwing her a real party. I'm not cut out as a party planner. If my mom was here, I'd put her to work and throw a great party with some yummy food! But I think we'll throw Ava a real party when she is old enough to understand what is going on.

Sad, droopy balloons. David the Science Guy was surprised when I couldn't figure out why the balloons were so droopy. He said "It needs helium, silly!"

We made a dairy-free, egg-free cake for Ava (from a box, of course).

Get this hat off of me

Ava thought that I should look like the dunce in the hat, not her

This cake needs a good lickin'


alexis said...

what a cutie. Happy birthday, Ava! you look great in a pointy hat, louise.

Lorina said...

she is so adorable!

Thayer said...

great pics of a fun mess. What did the allergist say?

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

Wow! she really dug in to that dairy free cake! glad to see you have some closure to the allergy saga! LOVED HER PIG TALES TODAY!