Friday, October 8, 2010

Arden at six months

Happy half birthday to Arden! So there's lots to say about sweet Arden. She rolls over onto her tummy now but kind of gets stuck there. Sometimes I find that she has gotten one arm out of her sleeve while her arm is stuck under her body in her attempt to roll back onto her back. So far she has had no success with rolling onto her back.

Arden sleeps in a crib! I bought a crib with wheels on it so that I could wheel her out of our room every so often but I doubt that is ever going to happen. She still wakes up two or three times a night for a feeding and I wish she would just sleep through the night already. Luckily she goes right back to sleep in her crib. She didn't like the crib that much in the beginning since she was used to my plush bed, but she seems to like it now. I wonder when Arden will sleep through the night and the girls can share a room. Besides the not sleeping through the night, Arden is just the perfect sweet baby. She is so relaxed and easy going. She is quite serious at times and just likes to observe. She gets very giggly around Ava, though. I just adore going into the room and seeing her playing with her hands in the crib. She always lights up when she sees me and laughs with excitement when I pick her up after her nap. She is really a very easy baby and I'm glad I had my high maintenance baby (I'm talking about you Ava!) first.

Stats: Height-27 inches
Weight-16 pounds 13 ounces.

She weighed less at her 6 month appointment than she did at her 4 month appointment. She is looking slightly slimmer to me. The doctor wasn't too concerned about the weight loss since she is probably just lengthening out. However, he wants to just make sure that my milk supply hasn't dipped and causing her to lose weight since it is not normal for weight loss at her age. I'm supposed to pump milk every so often to check on my milk supply but I'm doing a horrible job with that.

Arden doesn't really suck on her fingers like she used to. She sucks on her bottom lip a lot and it looks like she is sulking when she does it.

Ava is always trying to get in on the crib action. She is actually able to climb in and out of Arden's crib, but not her own. It is handy having the crib right up against my bed. Not that I have a choice, since my room is so small.

Gotta keep dressing her in pink...some people think she looks like a boy!

Anytime Arden is due for a poop I put her in the bumbo and wait for the magic to happen. Lately I've been putting her in there without clothes on so the blow out is easier to clean up.

Arden's first taste of rice cereal. A lot of scowls, gagging and leaning backwards. That's Ava's little hand with the tissue so she could help wipe Arden's face. Arden is really not a fan of solid food so far. She has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, and peas.

Arden looking happy with eating food, but it is definitely a battle. She has lost weight, but look at those "rubber bands" on her arms!

As her shirt says, she really is perfect. But I have to be honest, I wish she had more is starting to stick straight up, Asian-style


Michelle said...

I love seeing Arden's happy face in the pictures. She's a beautiful baby. So excited to see her again soon!

Thayer said...

So sad we haven't seen her for while, she's so cute. Looks a lot like Dave in that first photo, don't you think?