Monday, November 1, 2010

It's our secret

David started this thing where he would give Ava a treat and say "Shhhh, don't tell mommy, it's our secret." Ava absolutely loves this and they do this as often as they can. The other day I found them whispering in the kitchen, hiding from me (not too many places to hide in our apartment). They were already done stuffing their faces with cookies so they had to pose for me here...

Trying to sneak a few bites in before mommy sees. Indeed we do hang out in our PJs all day on Saturdays...

Daddy is Ava's hero and the sweetest sound ever heard is Ava shouting "Daddy!" when he walks through the door from work. Ava kicked me out of her room the other day because she was playing baseball with daddy. Even when she is lying in her crib and has dug out a little boogie from her cute nose (I will use this as blackmail when she is older) she will shout "I want Daddy to clean my boogie!" Basically there is a lot of "forget you, mom" mentality going on but I'm glad Ava has such a special relationship with her daddy.


Morgan said...

cute! what a little sweetheart.

Thayer said...

sweet, I feel a little left out sometimes from all the daddy secrets too :)

Michelle said...

It's so cute how Ava loves her Daddy.