Thursday, April 3, 2008

I don't know what I am doing

Well, who knew motherhood would be so tricky? Ava is about 7 months old now and I thought I was getting the hang of things...until something new pops up and kicks me in the butt. Ava was sleeping for 8-9 hours straight at night until about a month and a half ago. Half the time she ends up in our bed at midnight, at which point I am relegated to the edge of the bed and she kicks David in the back all night. Then I started her on solids and her face got all scabby and crusted from who knows what. So she's off solids completely for the time being. It just breaks my heart when I catch her scratching her face. She needs a straitjacket. I got a cortisone cream from the dermatologist (who was completely dismissive of my ramblings about Ava's skin, by the way...hasn't she met a panicky first time mom before?). Even changing Ava's diaper is a challenge. I've come to dread that rancid, sour smell that emanates from her sweet cheeks. As soon as I get a whiff, I know I'm in for good times. Poop somehow has travelled up halfway up her back and you have to be Houdini to take her clothes off without the poop smearing all over her. Then it's time to hose her down!!!!

Nervous mom talk aside, Ava and I are having a blast. We take walks in the afternoon, go to music class, and enjoy going to playgroup. Some days we don't even leave the house. I've been trying to cook more, which I believe has been possible only because I discovered Trader Joe's.

Alright, Ava is blowing snot bubbles right now. I better attend to the little snot princess.


Thayer said...

Glad you're starting to write in addition to posting those cute pictures of little Ava. Gabe and Nate miss her lots - love, t

Bryan, Natalie, Maya and Little B said...

Ah, motherhood. I don't know if you've ever tried Aquaphor, but it has worked wonders on every possible rash/skin issue that Maya has ever had. It's made by Eucerine.

alexis said...

Louise, sorry to hear of your troubles. Just to let you know, Lotoa went through his phases with the whole sleeping through the night thing. Like you said, just when you think you've started to figure things out...Good luck with her skin issues, that is so hard. We have had problems with pretty bad rashes and itchy skin also, it's no fun. We like aquaphor too.

Shontz Family said...

my little andrew had eczema on his cheeks for almost an entire year (starting around 6 months). some days were better than others, but i could never figure out why. i changed his diet, got allergy testing done, changed laundry soaps, everything and nothing worked. and then one day it just stopped. now he's been soft and smooth for almost a year and has no scarring (which i'm so grateful for since he would crack and bleed all the time). the best thing that worked for us was cortizone cream every day before naps and bed (so he couldn't rub it off) and then aquaphor on top of that. another one that worked for some of my friends is aloe gel. good luck! she really is adorable, even with red cheeks! and happy birthday davey-d! we're so old this year!

Michelle said...

Ava is so cute I just want to die.

Amy E said...

Ave is so stinkin' cute...I'm sorry for the troubles lately. As for the sleep issue, you couuld read the book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. Or there is always crying it out, but that is so so hard sometimes. Eloise never would calm down when I tried that, she just got madder and madder. But it worked wonders with Lydia. Anyway, is Ava allergic to whatever food you first gave her? Did you ask your doc? Sad for her and you! Good to see and hear from you!!