Friday, April 16, 2010

Arden's first two weeks

Ava is always asking to hold Arden

Happy times together with Ah Ma

Our little baldie

The first two weeks of Arden's life outside of the womb have gone pretty smoothly but she is becoming decidedly more high maintenance as each day goes on. I think she is eating well and gaining weight as she should. I think Arden has a decent appetite and feeds at least every 2-3 hours, even at night. She was 7 pounds 7 ounces at her 1 week check-up (born 7 pounds 2 ounces). When I was nursing Ava, I was concerned I was producing "skim" milk since Ava was such a skinny minnie, but Arden is proving otherwise. Arden is a grunter and makes us think she is constantly constipated...but that is definitely not the case. One of my least favorite things about the newborn stage are the middle of the night squirty poops and surprise pee attacks. When I'm disoriented in the middle of the night and opening up her diaper, that's when Arden ambushes me and pees and poops all over the place. It's a dangerous and dirty gamble everytime I change a diaper...will she projectile poop or won't she?

While I am on this delicious topic, I'll discuss Ava's potty training. While my mom was here helping out, I thought it would be a great time to start Ava on a diaperless existence. There were a few accidents the first few days (Ava peeing in her pants in Central Park and pooing in her undies next to Arden's co-sleeper). But Ava has really done spectacularly well, with the help of jelly beans and lollipops. We started a chart with stickers but Ava was a lot more interested in her treats. I think I'll put a diaper on her everytime she sleeps for a while though.

It was great having my mom here from Arizona for a week. My mom adapted very well to city life and loved walking everywhere. Ava loved having her here and going to Central Park everyday. Ava liked to embarrass my mom by saying "we can't say boobies" everytime they were in the elevator with a man, or running up to people who were napping in Central Park and saying "wake up" close to their faces.

I keep hoping that Arden will be our "good baby" since we had our issues with Ava. Isn't that the way the universe works? You have a difficult first baby and the second baby should be a breeze. I'm not holding my breath right now, though. Arden is exhibiting the same type of behavior such as not wanting to sleep in her co-sleeper. Arden seems perpetually uncomfortable laying down or being held and fights us when we swaddle her. So we are trying to figure things out and get to know Arden and keep her happy. I am madly in love with her and can't bear to be apart from her.

Grandmother and granddaughter exchange tender looks

Ava was able to go Easter egg hunting at Central Park

Ava is looking too grown up


kate's corner said...

oh my goodness, that first picture looks just like ava! and the last or arden like you. love your mom and arden gazing at each other and LOVE ava in central park-she sure is adjusting quite well! eve's more of a fan of in the bed too!

Thayer said...

They are both too cute! Gabe couldn't believe the first picture of Ava and Arden was real, he was sure Ava was holding a doll.

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

Louise! I think Arden looks so much more like She is such a healthy/beautiful baby...but aren't all Chinese babies? HA! I'm pulling for her to be your easy one...everybody has to have one. Stell is mine...I far... Ava in central park does looks so big! she looks sooo pretty in her Easter attire

alexis said...

i thought ava looked like a doll, but arden actually looks fake in that top picture. you didn't happen to have a wax figurine of her made, did you?

anyway, i can't WAIT to meet her...and i'm going to in about a week and a half! we're coming up at the end of april. yaaaaaaaaaaay!

amybradley said...

So, so cute! Arden is such a cutie! Love the pic of Ava at the park - looks like you guys are adjusting well!!

Hannah Smock said...

I was there that day when she went easter egg hunting!!! Ava and Arden are as always: adorable!!!!!!!!!!