Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life with two and Arden's updates

These beautiful "big sister/little sister" shirts are from Anne Willette.

Not really capturing Arden's sweet smiles in these pics...we really take awful pictures!

Reality has sunk in. Ah Ma and Auntie Michelle have come and gone, so I'm on my own for the most part. I have to say that going from one child to two is very difficult. There were some days where I felt like I would lose my mind. I would say the most difficult time would be in the evening hours, when I would attempt to make dinner, feed Ava, bathe Ava and put her to bed while trying to keep Arden happy. Lately David hasn't been coming home until 9 or 10pm, either from dinner with clients/colleagues, or studying for his Series 7 exam. I think I'm dealing with all of this a little better now because I've gotten more comfortable with letting Arden cry a little bit as I take care of business. Sad but true. I do feel guilty though. I never let Ava cry when she was a baby, but it's nearly impossible for me to pay as much attention to Arden as I would like. I feel like both of my children are getting shortchanged because at one point one of the two (or maybe both!) will be ignored.

Arden is still sleeping most of the day, once she gets comfortable. Arden will sometimes take forever to fall asleep. She hates to be swaddled but her jerky reflexes keep her from sleeping when she is not swaddled. I'm sure she would love to be held the whole time but as we've already established, she doesn't get that luxury. She is just the gassiest, gruntiest thing ever and will sometimes grunt for a long time, especially in the middle of the night. I've given up on using the co-sleeper , so I've got little Miss Grunty squirming around and grunting next to me. For a while I thought she was so gassy, spitting up a lot and had neon green poop because of something I was eating. I've cut back on dairy but I don't know if it makes a difference. Luckily the neon green poop has gone away for now.

She is now almost 7 weeks old. At her 4 week checkup, she was 10 pounds 1 ounce and 22 inches. Ava was 22 inches too but two pounds lighter! So obviously Arden is a chunkylicious thing. I don't have many pictures of her from when she was 2 1/2 weeks old to now. That's because she got the most severe case of baby acne I've ever seen in my life! I'm not exaggerating, people. Her skin has cleared up quite a bit but now we've got some crazy cradle cap going on. She is beautiful and so sweet but I can't wait for her crustiness to be over with! She has been smiling a lot, so I need to get a decent pic of that.

Ava has adjusted to life with little sis very well. However, if I say to Arden "It's your mama!" Ava will say, "No, it's my mama!" We had a few episodes of Ava yelling some weird syllable like "Baa!" into Arden's face but I put a stop to that. Ava also had to learn that she had to gently pet Arden like a dog if she wanted to touch her, since Ava was a little rough with her before.
Sometimes Ava will say "I'm a baby! Change my diaper!" I'm not sure if she wants extra attention or she just likes playing pretend. Speaking of diapers, Ava is still doing fairly well without them but I've learned the hard way that she needs to wear them during her naps and at night. I used to just throw away her poopy underwears but realized that wasn't being very economical and would soon run into a undies deficit.

Auntie Michelle came last month to help out and visit! We shared some treats at Central Park

Auntie Michelle and Ava at the American Museum of Natural History. Arden and I went too. Arden was so lucky to see all this at 3 1/2 weeks old!


kate's corner said...

awww. love how the shirts turned out. darnit. wish i had gotten some for my girls, may still have to! don't worry about the baby acne, eve had it bad too and now it's gone away. arden looks so cute and so much like you!! ava looks cute and wideeyed as always! totally feel your pain about how sometimes arden has to cry while you take care of business. just a sad reality. eve is in our bed also as well. it's just easier that way :) i don't know how you're doing it louise! so sorry that we aren't there to help you out! hopefully david's long hours will subside once the series 7 is over and done? so glad to see pics of the girls and get an update!

Thayer said...

love those shirts, so cute. Glad you're hanging in there...if I didn't feel like I was barely hanging onto life by the strings I'd come down and help you out...maybe when I "get my act together". Hope to see you guys this weekend.

Anonymous said...

aw arden looks like you! love hearing about your life in ny. sucks about david's long hours. that is tough being alone with two for that long. make some mommy friends asap! the fact that you are still blogging amazes me. hang in there!

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

love reading your update. the shirts are great! had no idea anne did that. we miss you. hope your whole foods dinner was wonderful!

alexis said...

totally feel you on the going to two kids thing. it's a huge adjustment. but you've just gotta make it work and realize your kids will be fine. you just don't have enough hands to make everyone happy all at once. it seems like you're doing great though, especially considering the fact that you just moved into a new city.

miss you guys--kiss those girls for me!

amybradley said...

Awwww...what cuties! Totally understand what you're going through - David's long hours, not really knowing anyone, figuring out how to give both kids equal attention... It definitely gets a little better everyday; you can always fall back on that!! For the cradle cap, I used Mustela's Stelaker (@ Babies-R-Us and Bath and Body Workds) on Zoe and switched to Cetaphil cleanser - it seemded to really help. So glad to get an update!!

Michelle said...

Those shirts are sooo cute and I absolutely love those pictures! I am still in a state of depression because I miss them both so much, but I guess that's life. I love those girls, they are just so wonderful! You're a great mom! Can't wait to see you guys again...Wish I were in NY with you to help out.