Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun in February?

Sigh...a huge relief that February is over. Not only was the weather less than desirable, three quarters of the Smock family got sick. Ava missed two days of school, Arden was a serious mess, and even I succumbed to some kind of debilitating virus. Arden and Ava both had fevers, and Arden went on a nursing strike. She wouldn't nurse for about three days and everytime I tried she sharpened her chompers on me. I was so stressed out about it because Arden doesn't take a bottle or a sippy cup. I tried to feed her liquids through a syringe or pouring breastmilk/water into her mouth from a cup. I wondered if my nursing days were over with Arden, but she got back on the wagon when she started feeling better. Thank goodness that ordeal is over and thank goodness David stayed strong. We did manage to eek in some fun. Here's the proof (albeit the pictures after the first two aren't stellar quality because I took them):

Playdate with Lillian J and Ella. I can't think of a sweeter picture than this one, where they are holding hands and all smiling so sweetly. All the girls ever want to do is dress up like princesses.

Lesley (Ella's mom) took these two princess pics. I want to remember Ava like this forever. I constantly stare at this picture.

David and Ava sledding in Pound Ridge

Squinty smiles

Robbie and David's joint birthday celebration. That's Ava in the leopard suit

Ava the clown with cousin Lily

Ava with Lillian F and Ella outside of Alice's Tea Cup

Ava drinking her fruit tea (by this point she had broken a tea cup already) and devouring her pumpkin scone. Kelly Ripa was across from us at the other table.

Ava waiting her turn to be sprinkled with fairy dust. We love Alice's Tea Cup!!!!

Cousin Grant's birthday party

Such a fun party with Grant

Valentine's Day party at Ella's house after ballet class

Ava and Lillian F frosting cookies

Sweet Arden likes to sit at the door of Ava's ballet class and watch the action. I will post pics of Ava's beloved class when I get some good ones.

So long February!


Thayer said...

Those princess pictures are priceless! And I'm glad there are no brunettes in her ballet class group (looks like a beautiful group of blondes who're gonna cause a lot of trouble in a few years).

Lesley said...

I love that picture of Miss Ava too. I'm glad I can get OTHER little girls to smile at me since mine won't smile at me. Ever. Not that I'm bitter :)

And seeing this post makes me miss you! Good thing I get to see you tomorrow!

Michelle said...

The princesses are so beautiful. Those pictures were awesome. Ava and Arden are both lovely, as usual.

Lorina said...

I have the cutest nieces ever!